The #1 e‑learning platform for creating workplace training
Create course content up to 9x faster with integrated AI

Get everything you need for
better workplace learning
See why every Fortune 100 company relies on Articulate to create engaging, interactive e‑learning.
Create course content up to 9x faster with integrated AI
Simplify collaboration with in-app feedback
Distribute to any platform, or, use our integrated LMS
Get award-winning course creation tools, now with AI magic
Get started faster with AI
- Generate assessments, summaries, blocks, and other course content up to 9x faster
- Convert source material to interactive content with just a few clicks
Create everything, better
- Build what you need, from microlearning to immersive, interactive courses
- Refine your writing with AI suggestions for tone, grammar, and readability
Make beautiful look easy
- Access 13+ million images and templates right from your course authoring tools
- Generate gorgeous AI images from text descriptions

Simplify team collaboration and project reviews
Make it easy for collaborators to share content and for stakeholders to provide feedback on courses—right from a web browser.

More than 90% of customers say
Articulate 360 makes it easier for stakeholders to collaborate on course creation.
Quickly distribute training to anyone, anywhere
Export training to an existing LMS or deliver it effortlessly with Reach, the frictionless LMS integrated into Articulate 360.
With no implementation required, Reach makes it simple to deliver training to partners, customers, and internal learners.

Build workplace training that’s accessible for all learners
Meet accessibility requirements for accessibility while ensuring that training is enjoyable for all learners. Articulate 360 broadly supports Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 AA criteria for online course creation.

92% of
customers say
Articulate 360 makes it easy
to create accessible e‑learning.
Create confidently with world-class training and support
Grow your course creation skills with exclusive on-demand webinars and tutorials from e-learning experts.
Check out training
Find support, get inspired, and connect with fellow creators by joining the world’s largest e‑learning community.
Visit E‑Learning HeroesÂ

One platform, endless possibilities
Explore the award-winning products in the Articulate 360 platform.